Foreign Guest Workers Being Used Instead of Brits Causes Strikes in the UK
Since when does free trade theory mean one is trading people, increasing the labor supply, displacing citizens of a region, repressing wages and avoiding the rights of citizen workers through specialty...
View ArticleImported Cheap Labor Forced to Foot Bill for their own Exploitation
You might remember the huge outrage when instead of hiring local workers in New Orleans for Katrina reconstruction, companies imported cheap labor via guest worker Visas. The Bush administration also...
View ArticleThe Poster Child For Worker Exploitation, Walmart Considering Offshore...
Walmart just cannot squeeze it's employees enough. Now Walmart is considering offshore outsourcing it's I.T. jobs. BANGALORE: WAL-Mart, the world’s biggest retailer, which until now has been dependent...
View ArticleDon't be a Guest Worker in Dubai - They have Debtor's Prison!
Almost every other nation is curtailing their imported labor due to economic contraction but this story shows just how complex it can get if you are imported labor in a country which is not your own....
View ArticleDo not Give IBM Stimulus Contracts
Do we really want our Stimulus money, U.S. taxpayer money going to India? Well, if they let IBM get at it we assuredly will. As the economy continues to reel from the worst economic downturn since the...
View ArticleOffshore Outsourcing Firms, Microsoft Top the List for H-1B Foreign Guest...
We have the new data for 2008 on H-1B. Computer World has published a searchable list of the top users of H-1B guest worker Visas.Microsoft Corp. was the top U.S.-based recipient of H-1B visas in 2008,...
View ArticleVHP group in India wants to Ban U.S. Products over H-1B guest worker Visas
This one is just too ridiculous. Since when is the United States responsible and must provide a guaranteed employment program for the citizens of India....for guaranteed jobs in the United States? You...
View ArticleBoA Pulls Jobs Offers to H-1B Guest workers
It seems our worker friendly clause which said TARP recipients first had to consider qualified U.S. workers before bringing in more foreign workers on H-1B guest worker Visas is working:Bank of America...
View ArticleObama's CIO Vivek Kundra Previous Close Employees Arrested for Fraud, Bribery
This is one hell of a story. One week after President Obama announced his new CIO of the United States, the FBI raided the very office where Kundra just held the position of CTO and arrested Kundra's...
View ArticleL-1 Guest Worker Visa Leaves Fired Derivatives Workers in a Lurch
Bloomberg has a story which is supposed to tear at our heart strings but I have a different reaction. In profiling out of work derivatives technology workers, Fired Doctor of Derivatives Waits to Cry...
View ArticleIBM Fires another 5,000 - Offshore Outsourcing Jobs Right and Left
IBM is firing yet another 5,000 workers, offshore outsources their jobs and forcing highly skilled Americans to educate and train their cheap offshore replacements. In just the past 2 months IBM has...
View ArticleObama Clueless on Offshore Outsourcing - Touts Corporate Talking Points
From an online townhall Obama claims:Now, a lot of the outsourcing that was referred to in the question really has to do with the fact that our economy -- if it's dependent on low-wage, low-skill...
View ArticleBoA, Wells Fargo, TARP Recipients, Forcing U.S. Workers to Train their...
Wells Fargo, a TARP recipient who bought Wachovia, is now forcing U.S. workers to train their foreign guest worker replacements before being fired. So is Bank of America.Are you thinking wait a second,...
View ArticleSallie Mae Brings Back 2,000 offshore outsourced jobs back to the U.S.
This is a piece of good news:Sallie Mae said Monday that it will bring 2,000 jobs to the U.S. within the next 18 months as it shifts call center and other operations from overseas.Sallie Mae even...
View ArticleStudy Says Outsourcing Not Big Savings
There is a new study on offshore outsourcing I.T. contracts which says instead of saving money by labor arbitraging workers, the costs can actually increase by 20%.While staff costs may be 40 percent...
View ArticleComplaining about Offshore Outsourcing Works - Keep it up!
Well, well. All of you folks screaming your heads off about offshore outsourcing of Federal, State and customer service jobs are having an impact. Keep it up!Department of Children and Families...
View ArticleObama Gives USINPAC Lobbyists Yet another Official - CTO "Virginia is for...
Just unbelievable. Obama has appointed a CTO, Aneesh Choprawho was pushed for by USINPAC!If one doesn't know, this group, using Indians with U.S. citizenship, lobbies heavily to offshore outsource your...
View ArticleU.S. offshore outsources 22,000 "Green Jobs" in 2009
Remember the Stimulus and how we're all going to recover by getting those new shiny green jobs? Guess what, companies are offshore outsourcing them in droves:The US firms have offshored 22,000 green...
View ArticleGM offshore outsourcing U.S. jobs
Glad you supported GM getting U.S. taxpayer dollars? Want to see GM survive, prattling on how America needs an auto industry?Instead we get this, GM plans to shift overseas production:General Motors...
View ArticleObama's Offshore Outsourcing Corporate Tax Code Change has no impact on...
You're going to love this one. According to Ernst & Young, Obama's majorly hyped tax incentive he's planning on plugging, which gives an incentive to offshore outsource your job, all of those...
View ArticleEmployed Foreign Guest Workers Outnumber ALL Unemployed U.S. Technical Workers
This is an astounding story. Computer World is reportingH-1B workers outnumber unemployed techies:The government then points out that "in January of 2009, the total number of workers employed in the...
View ArticleG.E. Creates Green China
As previously reported, the U.S. Stimulus Bill is creating India & China.Now we have GE Moving Green Jobs To China:Share
View ArticleStudy shows over 30% I.T. Jobs being offshored
Computer World overviews some new data on just how badly I.T. jobs are being offshore outsourced or U.S. workers are displaced by foreigners on guest worker Visas.Okay, so where are U.S. jobs going?...
View ArticleIndian offshorers want to offshore outsource U.S. Government contracts & more...
From an obscure newsletter on Emerging Markets comes this report:Infosys and Wipro Set Up Units to Bag Government IT Outsourcing Contracts10/08/2009Infosys Technology and Wipro Technologies, two of the...
View ArticlePope declares Outsourcing Immoral
From Manufacturing and Technology NewsThe Pope Pontificates: Offshore Outsourcing Is Amoral -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By Richard...
View ArticleAbout that "shortage" of engineers.
A revealing article recently appeared in BusinessWeek. To cut to the chase, the authors found that there is no shortage of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) graduates in the United...
View ArticleThe Stimlus Sieve - more funds & jobs offshore
A while ago we wrote about stimulus funds being offshore outsourced and 84% of green job stimulus funds are going offshore and some 22,000 green jobs created offshore.It seems the MSM is finally...
View ArticleMost of the job loss is from offshoring, not the recession
Most of the job loss is from off-shoring, not the recession.I point to an editorial on the Huffington Post by Sen. Fritz Hollings. He's calling out D.C. and saying Washington is plain committing fraud...
View ArticleOhio Bans Use of Public Funds for Offshore Outsourcing
The governor of Ohio issued an executive order prohibiting use of public funds for outsourcing. Seems like a no brainer right? Don't use our taxpayer dollars to offshore outsource our jobs? Believe...
View Article25 companies responsible for 700,000 lost jobs
Daily Finance has compiled a list, from Challenger and Gray layoff data, of the top 25 companies with the biggest job losses this recession. From The Layoff Kings: The 25 Companies Responsible for...
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